Monday, January 6, 2014

Countdown to Juan Pablo - Part 2

The countdown to Juan Pablo continues...

Turns out Juan Pablo has a job.
He talks to famous athletes, it's really hard on him
He takes their gears
And puts them in a museum

And that's how he serves his country.  Errrr....  I'm exhausted thinking how tiring that job would be.

But Fridays are Camila time.
Do you think I'm going to tell you in front of the cameras? 

Turns out Camila has the queen's wave down path

I mucho love these cameras Papa
So Juan takes her to the park because it's a great filming location.

Good Papas play by themselves until their kids join them

Kids that have gangster styles make parents look good
Latinos always have dance parties in their car seats
Time to go visit Juan's family and have a pool party, because any woman in Juan's life has to get along with the whole Latino family.

Forget Camilla, I'm Arielle

This girl was so ugly they had to blur her out

Chatting with my Papa

Brings me to tears in 5 seconds

Tribute to Gia
Bachelor nation misses you Gia, you were beautiful inside and out.  For ways how you can support the American Foundation head on out to ABC website:  Thank you ABC for this beautiful segment.

Looking ahead
There is going to be a lot of drama, that's guaranteed.  But to the girl laying on the bathroom floor, THANK YOU on behalf of America.  I cannot wait to make fun of you.

Countdown to Juan Pablo - Part 1

The episode name "Count down to Juan Pablo" ironically has the worse counting in it...  There are 27 ladies this season, yet Chris Harrisson says multiple times something about 25 ladies.  This is happening even as he is on his way to go surprise the ladies with the news that they will be on the bachelor.  But what is for sure is that there is only Juan-bachelor.

And don't forget to follow me on twitter @marieevefast 

I can't count but I make millions doing this

What probably happened:
Scenario 1: The producers invited 2 extra ladies they met on the street, thinking it would be funny to add them to the cast.
Scenario 2:  The producers ended up going to the wrong houses because they were totally lost...
Scenario 3: Someone miscounted the roses.

One thing is sure, the Bachelor producers were "hitting all the women simultaneously".  I'm not sure that it is completely legal and I can see Juan-big lawsuit coming up.

Either way, ABC wanted to take this chance to remind their viewers that despite the nudity and swearing, the Bachelor is PG rated. Wait, were they making fun of Juan's name?  Juan-never knows with these guys.
Juan Pablo Galavis

Ok so let's talk about the casting process:

Turns out I really want to apply for the show just so I can get a chance to sit across from Elan Gale and 10 other people (who really don't matter to me at this point).  Doesn't look intimidating at all...

Kat Hurd kept is real y'all, she's going to be herself this season and not someone else.  No role play for this girl, even in the fantasy suite.
Kat Hurd auditioning
There is only Juan-thing worse than not getting picked to be on the bachelor, and it's having your video aired on National TV and then being rejected. 
Kacie Boguskie - Ben's season

 If the Baton thing didn't work for Kacie Boguskie... this girl doesn't stand a chance.
Ladies, let me give you a few free tips.

1-Things NOT say when applying for the Bachelor:

I'm just the booty call girl y'all

My eggs are like really really old

I'm so funny I have to read a script with a monotone voice.
I was really counting on the bachelor being someone else...
I'm just a wild child waiting to be released

2- Things not to do when applying to be on the Bachelor:

Some women have some real talent
What every man wants in a woman
This is a real conversation starter errr stopper
I don't understand why do guys keep me at arms-length?
It's not the Bachelor without a hoops competition:

So who Juan the contest?

I really enjoyed the producers surprising the ladies...  it wasn't staged at all.

The classic Bachelor jump.  Oh wait, this is Chris Harrisson

Don't judge, I always do my dishes in pretty dress
Give it to me fool, this might be the only rose I get.
Thanks Elan but you really need to shower

I can rap with my new microphone ladies

I wore this shirt everyday waiting for you guys to show up
I'm not weird, I just love Peek-a-boo
For Part 2 of count down to Juan Pablo continue here:

Thursday, December 26, 2013

There is only Juan-way to start off the new year

"I am the Bachelor, and I am a Latino, and obviously it’s going to be me. So, there’s going to be a lot of Latino things in the show – a lot, you know, just me. And it’s going to be great. It’s going to be a lot of food, a lot of dancing," he told Fox News Latino.

Forget about love, forget about finding a girl, single dad Juan Pablo tells Fox News that this season is going to be - a lot, you know, just me.

That will not stop us from talking about the girls while he has a good time eating food and dancing.   They will still get to travel exotic places and form friendships with each others that will last a life time.

Speaking of which, how did the bachelor ladies spend their New Year's Eve you ask?  I've got the whole scoop here.

Lauren H.
Spent it making sweet music... 

 and with her new besties Kylie Lewis and Lacy Faddoul!

Kat Hurd spent the holidays hopping around with crutches.  Outch!  Get better soon.

Maggie Gantt rang the year in with friend wearing some sweet hats...
and hung out previously with the beautiful single mother Renee Oteri

Alexis Morgado score the jack pot by hanging out with Brooks Forester and Michael Garofola in Miami @HaVen. No word on the whereabouts of Michael's gilfriend AshLee Frazier.  
Kelly Travis and Andi Dorfman went on the bachelor to find love and they did...
I mean how cute are they???

In other news Jesse Csincsak is having a baby girl in March with wife Anne.  

On that note.  Happy New Year and thanks for reading!!!

Marie-Eve @marieevefast on twitter

Monday, December 16, 2013

Juan-of-a-kind month

ABC producers of the Bachelor have their hands full planning all kinds of Juan-uary fun for fans of the Bachelor, and they are not holding back on the puns.

Juan-uary 5th is the one-hour special edition of "all 'bout Juan and his precious little thing Camilla", making the ovaries of all the single ladies around the world hurt in want for Juan's babies too.  The Bachelor: Countdown to Juan Pablo will be a cruel reminder that only one lady will lay claim on this Venezuela god, and having the right to procreate with him. 

The 2-hour-lets-meet-27-ladies and watch-them-drink-until-they-do-something-crazy will air the next day, Juan-uary 6th, which is almost long enough for everyone's overies to have recuperated, but not really.  
What is certain, is that there is one bachelorettes who will NOT be drinking...  The one with the large and round belly, NOT carrying Juan's baby (sucks to be her).  But I'm not sure I buy the fact that this is real, unless Clare has the baby that night because here we see her pregnant...

And then not pregnant at all!!!

(For your FULL look at all the contestants this season, be sure to check out my post here -

One of the bachelorette, Elise, must be an avid Bachelor fan, and took inspiration from Emily and Desire's night one dresses and season finale dresses from Lindsay & Catherine (hello shiny dresses).

I'm not crazy about shiny dresses, but who wore it best???

I much prefer Kat Hurd's red dress, making a statement night one with Juan (say that one outloud...) How cute is she though?

Although it looks like she won't be the only one wearing a red frock that night.

The mansion (well ABC...)chose a beach theme of aqua and coral, which is my favorite color combination right now.  I'm loving it.
Where can I get me a sweet coral bowl like that? 

Do you think Kylie knew about the colors before hand???  I mean how pretty is she?  Stunning!

Then on Jan. 12, the series will crash fans' viewing parties on a Behind the Scenes special, to show America a large panel of screaming fans, professing their undying love for Juan, all while the man is possibly engaged and totally unavailable.  We will cringe, judge and secretly hate them because we wish it was us, and then hate ourselves for it.

Also coming up in January is the attempt of Trista and Ryan Sutter to renew their fame and boosts the sales on Trista's new book, because the fame is seriously wearing off by now.  The best way to renew that fame in the Bachelor family is to renew your marriage vows (after 10 years of marriage) and have ABC capture it all on film...  This special night of love and fame will be airing January 19th for all fans to relive the magic of the first Bachelor wedding.  I'm sure it will not be watched as much as their wedding was way back when, but I will still tune in to The Bachelor: Bachelor Love Stories special edition.

What WILL be well watched though, (despite all the complaints of faux love from the fans) is Sean and Catherine's LIVE wedding on January 26th.  Yes, the LIVE wedding!!!  If you missed the announcement, here is where you can watch the most awkward announcement by Sean and Catherine on GMA  ABC had already began filming footage before this announcement was made, strengthening everyone's hope for a TV wedding.  I don't think anyone anticipated a LIVE wedding however!!! 

On top of getting the wedding paid for, which is amazing, they will also be getting paid a six-figure sum to walk down the aisle in front of millions of people live TV.  Now that's far from getting married in Sean's parents back yard like the couple had talked about early on.  Now many people are criticizing the couple and doubting that their love is real, calling them out on this TV wedding (even though it makes sense seeing their love started on TV).  I bet if the critics were in their shoes, being offered a very neat experience like this and money to boot, they would also say "I do" (shoes, boot, get it???).

Relive their first date in Canada here:

On that note, that's it for today folks!  You can follow me on twitter @marieevefast or leave your comments below!  I always enjoy hearing from y'all.